'I'll go to school on two and a half hours' sleep': why British children aren't sleeping

'I'll go to school on two and a half hours' sleep': why British children aren't sleepingDoctors are reporting a dramatic increase in children with sleep disorders, which affect their physical and…

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Sleep tight: tips for a good night

1 Avoid sugary snacks and caffeine, particularly at supper time. Opt for alternatives like banana, porridge or wholemeal bread.2 Think about the bedroom environment: is it calm and conducive to sleep?3 Have a consistent routine that you follow every evening in the hour before bedtime.4 Consider whether bathtime is relaxing. If it isn’t, separate it from the bedtime routine. If it is, have the bath 30 minutes before bedtime to allow the body temperature to rise and then drop again – this helps us feel sleepy.5 No screen activity in the hour before bed; no TVs, computers, phones or tablets.6 Activities involving hand-eye coordination help the brain wind down before bed, eg jigsaws or colouring in.7 Have a set wake-up time, even at the weekend.8 Provide your child with a visual cue so they know when it’s time to get up, like a light on a timer. That way they know it’s time to sleep when the light is off.


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